Pressure Relief Valves

The Cla-Val Pressure Relief Valves are designed specifically for fire protection pumping systems and are available in a variety of configurations and end connections.

•  50 Series Pressure Relief and Pump Suction Control Valves used in conjunction with fire pumping systems to relieve excess pressure, control pump draw or prevent surge, depending on the configuration and pilot controls.

•  The 55L-60 is a direct-acting, spring-loaded relief valve that can be installed in any position in a fire sprinkler piping system to prevent pressure build-up that could damage the pipeline.

•  750 Series Pressure Relief Valves are also used to relieve excess pressure, as well as to maintain constant pressure at the pump discharge.

•  850 Series Tubular Diaphragm Fire Relief Valves provide fast-acting deluge service and are fitted with integral cavitation protection.

Cla-Val Pressure Relief Valves are not only durable and reliable, but they are also backed by the more than 80 years of control valve expertise and the best customer service in the business.

50B-4KG1 & 2050B-4KG1
Pressure Relief Valve

Seawater Pressure Relief Valve

Pump Start Pressure Relief Valve

55L & 55L-60
Pressure / Pump Casing Relief Valve

50B-4KG1KOL & 2050B-4KG1KOL
Pressure Relief Valve

Anti-Cavitation Trim